Company profile

Founded in 2020 amid the turmoil of the Covid-19 pandemic The Moor Advantage was established as an independent niche consulting business designed to allow collaboration between friends and colleagues on projects and challenges outside the scope and scale of our corporate day jobs.

The Moor is not intended as a one stop shop providing comprehensive solutions to complex challenges, more as a network access point for clients seeking help in identifying the strategies to achieve their objectives and the most appropriate resources or partners to help them deliver. 

We are different; for a start we only work with people who have either been recommended to us, or us to them - hence not having the need for an extensive website

Our partners include organisations and specialists in Operations planning, Engineering design extending across industries and the built environment, Financial Planning for projects and ventures, Strategic Marketing, Coaching and Mentoring, Technical Due Diligence, Business and Operations Improvement, Operational Excellence, Business Benchmarking, Energy Efficiency, Organisational and Behavioral Psychology, and Change Management.

We have particular strengths and specialist capability in modularisation in manufacturing and Modern Methods of Construction (MMC)

Working with colleagues across industry and academia we aim to distinguish ourselves by delivering professional tailored services that meet the unique needs of our clients on projects and intiatives that we truly believe in.

If you would like to know more please contact us by e-mail or via the link below.

Thanks for visiting 

Matt Cooper - Mananging Director

(26) Matt Cooper | LinkedIn

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